It’s Paris not Paris…

Yes, it is true – my name is really Paris.
I have no relation to Paris Hilton, and I am definitely not French.
Born in Greece, raised in Athens, studied in Berlin, interned in Paris, and currently based in Hamburg.
I grew up in an Ad agency, studied Politics and international relations, worked on sailing boats and commanded a crew, created my own Hostel business, and ended up back in creativity and idea-making as a storyteller, conceptor and strategist.
Greece, shaped me and gave me the hunger to achieve, experience and reach for more.
Politics, opened my eyes
on how the world works.
Sailing, gave me discipline, and an appreciation of good teamwork.
Berlin, filled me with dreams, inspiration and ambition.
Hamburg, polished my skills
and gave me a new perspective.
Here is my resume, have a look!